Cross Section Volume Calculation and Report Generation

Cross Section Volume Calculation and Report Generation

Cross section volume calculation and report generation is an advanced feature that was added for any road design.  It basically gives you the option to calculate fill and cut volumes between two cross section stations and generate a detailed report of this calculation.  To be able to start the process of cross section volume report generation, you must have first generated a Road/Rail Design  using the "+New Design /Road/Rail Design" option shown below as described in the Grade Checking article.

Cross Section Volume Report Generation

To start the generation of cross section volume report, select the "Cross section volume report" option for the desired Road design as shown below.

Alternatively, you may use "+ New report" option available from the Report tab as shown below.

Using either way opens the "Generate Cross Section Volume Report" dialog shown below.  


Report Name:  Name of the generated report.

Design:  Auto filled if report generation starts from the Designs tab, while user needs to select it if reports generation starts from the Reports tab

Base surface: Here you need to select either top or bottom surface of the uploaded design.

Comparison surface: The as-build (DEM of a chosen flight).

Start station: The first station in the report where a cross section will be generated.
End station: The last station in the report where a cross section will be generated.
Section interval: the interval between the generated cross sections.

Factor Cut/Fill: The cut/fill factors for volume calculations.  Factor is used to calculate volume of material before compression.  

Optionally, the "Advanced parameters" section allows you to further customize the look of your report.  

Once all fields are filled, press the "Generate Report" button.  The report generation takes place in the background and once done, it will appear under the Report Tab on the left side of the screen as shown below.


Cross Section Volume Report Viewing and Handling

The list of viewable/downloadable item is shown and sorted according to the sort selection, and may be viewed by clicking on the report line or by using the "Open report" option as shown below.  Additionally, as shown,  it is possible to generate a new report by cloning an existing one.  Finally, it is possible to delete the report from here.

If the report is not ready the reason is shown next to its label as shown below.

The generated Cross section volume report consists of 3 sections as follows:
Section 1. A top view of the area showing the center line and the cross section stations.  This is the first page of the report.
Section 2. Detailed information by cross section station.  This may take up one or more pages depending on the number of the stations, each page showing up to 4 stations.
Section 3. A summarizing volume table.  This also may take one or more pages based on the number of stations. 

Below are example views for each section showing what can be done with it as well.

Section 1 - This section shows the top view of the area where cross sections and centerline are clearly marked.  Other valuable information is shown on the right side as well.  

Section 2 - This section shows the cross section stations.  Up to 4 stations are shown on each page as shown below.  You can scroll down and up using the standard Windows methods.  The only thing to mention here is that if you use the mouse wheel to scroll up or down, make sure you mouse is not over one of the cross section display rectangles, as the mouse wheel action will be applied to the cross section itself and not the page.   Other valuable information is shown on the right side here as well.  

Using the Settings wheel on the top right you may hide the break-line labels and you may select to show one chart per row.

The calculation table below the graph is shown below followed by an explanation of each box/ 

Station:  Station number

Cut Area:  Section vertical cut area
Cut Volume: Cut volume between this station and the station before it
Adj. Cut Volume:  The Cut Volume multiplied by the factor
Fill Area:  Section vertical fill area
Fill Volume: Fill volume between this station and the station before it
Adj. Fill Volume:  The Fill Volume multiplied by the factor

Actions that can be done within each cross section rectangle shown below, are explained ahead.

  1. Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel.  With the mouse over the cross section display area roll the wheel up and down to zoon in and out.  The zoom is applied to both X and Y scales as well. The zooming is centered around the mouse cursor location. 

  2. Zoom to a specific area in the cross section by marking the desired rectangle using mouse click and drag.  See below the before and after.   Once the zoomed rectangle is displayer, it is possible to pan the chart area using CTRL+Drag.
  3. Reset the view to its original size by clickin the reset button shown below that appear only after a zoom change.

Section 3 - This section shows a summarizing table of volumes of all stations.

Cross Section Volume Report Downloading

Once the report is opened it can be downloaded using the "Download Report" option in the upper right corner.  The downloaded PDF report goes to the standard download folder. 


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