Best Practices
Automatic Georeferencing (AGR) Best Practices
Automatic Georeferencing capability is based primarily upon the ability to match features in images between two flight instances surveying the same site. In order to filter out false positives, the matching criteria are very strict. For this reason, ...
Quick Guide to a Successful DatuBIM Trial
Thanks for making a DatuBIM trial. In this short guide, we share some best practices that will help you make a 3D model of your construction site, earthmoving environment, or inspection area. Let’s get started! STEP 1: Before the Flight - Drone ...
Tips and Tricks for Using Local Coordinate System (LCS)
When using LCS, DatuBIM automatically brings the GCP’s to the approximate area where the images are. Beyond that, it is the user’s responsibility to bring the GCP’s to the exact location to allow for marking them on images. In all cases, the goal is ...
Tips for a Successful Image Upload and Model Generation
The saying goes that "the output is only as good as the input." As in most data processing systems, for DatuBIM to work correctly, users need to make sure that their input data is correct from the beginning and follows best practices. This isn't ...
GCP Distribution in the Survey Area
This article will describe the best practices for marking and measuring Ground Control Points based on the area to be measured. For rectangular areas of interest, we recommend that a minimum of 5 ground control points are placed every 400 feet for ...
Best Practices for Drone Photography
Overview This article describes best practices of taking images using drones for the purpose of being processed by Datumate’s software, such as DatuBIM and DatuSurvey. Most commercial drones, including the popular DJI drones, are supported by ...