In this article we will take a general look over a site with its flight instances. We will look at an example of a site with several flights already added to a site. The screen below shows a site of a fire station being built with several instances already added to it.
Below is
a general overview of all screen components and sub components:
Left panel (sidenav) is a collapsible panel to allow more map viewing area. See figure below.
Left Panel sorting tool - allows sorting all object using different parameters as shown below.
Flights and imported models are listed by date from left to right. Selected flight or imported model is highlighted. Hover over any of the instances will show details on the instance including if it is a flight or an imported model.
Measured points appear on the time line like this. Hover over the dot will show you details on the measured points.
+Add gives you the option to add a flight, an imported model, or measured points,
- Background view selections. Map, Satellite, Black, or White background.
- Display and overlay options.
- From bottom to top, zooming out, zooming in, top view reset of the whole site, reset tilt of current view without zooming, or change model opacity to be able to view design elements below model..
- From bottom to top, single point analysis, polygonal analysis, polyline analysis, and selection mode. Analysis here mean Measurement, annotations, and analytics.
- Mouse coordinate display.
On tablets, a single tap on the map will show an Pin on the place you tapped and the coordinates of that Pin on the bottom of the viewer as shown below.