Format Requirements for Importing Road/Railway Design XML Files

Format Requirements for Importing Road/Railway Design XML Files

Upload Design Surface

To generate a cross-section volume report, the user is required to upload the 3 design files in XML format.  These design files will be uploaded as Surface files.  It is important that each file is represented by a single surface.  If the user would like to use a single surface, duplicate and rename the Top Surface file and import it as the Bottom Surface.

Three LandXML files;

1 Top Surface (Pavement Surface)

2.Bottom Surface (The Datum Surface of Section)

3. Alignment


Top-surface.xml: includes a single TIN surface which defines the top surface of the design.

Bottom-surface.xml: includes a single TIN surface which defines the bottom (Datum) surface of the design.

Center-line.xml (alignment): includes 2D/3D Single line/polyline (which defines the center line of the road or might be a Ramp / loop Alignment) and the start run (begging of the alignment - 23985.68 in figure 1 example).


Start station: the user should add the defined first station (could be different than the begging of the alignment), the first station should be according to the following format “XX+XXX”, and according to the chosen interval the following next stations will generated.

The first station in figure 1 example is “240+00” (station for run 24000), and not “239+85.68”.

Stations Interval: the interval between the generated stations, according to figure 1 example the interval is 100 feet (between the first station “240+00” and the next station “241+00”).


 Generate Cross Section Volume Report

To automatically generate the cross-section volume report, the user should choose to calculate the volume either between the top surface and the as-build surface (current flight or different date) or the bottom surface and the as-build surface.

The generated cross section graph, will include the 3 layers: top surface, bottom surface & as-build (DEM). The volume will be calculated according to two layers: top/bottom & as-build.


Base surface: top/bottom surface from the uploaded design.

Comparison surface: the as-build (DEM of a chosen flight).

Start station: the first station in the report where a cross section will be generated.

End station: the last station in the report where a cross section will be generated.

Section interval: the interval between the generated cross sections.

Factor Cut/Fill: the cut/fill factors for volume calculations.


When the required files have been properly imported and processed, they can be viewed as represented in this image.



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