Editing Measurements, Analytics, and Annotations

Editing Measurements, Analytics, and Annotations

All measurement, analytics, and annotation objects can be modified after created.  Any change made to an object must be saved before editing the next object.  Moving to different object without saving behaves like a cancel of changes on the first object.

Editing Single Point Objects

Single-point objects, such as annotations and elevation points shown in the figure below, can be dragged to a different location as described.

  1. Select the point with a hover over and left mouse click on it while the hand icon ( appears if the point is shown on the map, or by clicking on it from the left panel list of objects.  The details box is opened and the selected point is now shown with a bigger circle and is now ready to be moved.

  2. Drag the point to a new location.   The details box will now have the updated location (not always shown in the details box) and the option to save the change.  You may adjust the location repeatedly, until you have it in the right place.

  3. Save the changes or cancel out as desired.

Editing Multi Point Objects

Multi point objects are objects that consist of two or more points, meaning polylines and polygons.  In other word, they consist of vertices and line segments.

Except for angle measurements, editing all multi line objects is done the same and will be described below.  Editing angles is similar to editing single point objects as the number of vertices in it is always three, and it is possible only to change the location of those three vertices.  When any of the vertices is moved, the result is immediately calculated and shown in the details box and the user will have the option to save or cancel the changes to revert to the original place.

To edit any other multi line object follow the steps below. 
  1. Select the object with a hover over and left mouse click on it while the hand icon (  ) appears if the object is shown on the map, or by clicking on it from the left panel list of objects.

    As shown below, the details box is opened and the selected object is now shown with points on its vertices that can be dragged to a different location.  In addition, each line segment has a point at its center that can also be dragged to break that line segment into two segments. When this is done, the two new segments will each have a center break point on it as well.

  2. Hover over one of the vertices or line segment center point till the hand icon (  ) appears, and then do one of the following
    a. Drag it with a left mouse click to change its location, or 
    b. Delete the point by holding down the Atl key and then pressing the mouse right button.
    As soon as the first change is done, the details box is minimized, and the “End edit” tool bar appears as shown below.

    The “End edit” tool bar now stays until you make as many changes as you want as shown below.

  3. When done with the changes, click on “Done”. The “End edit” tool bar will now disappear and the details box is shown again with the new calculation as shown below.

  4. Save the changes or cancel out as desired.

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